• mrwright

  • 30, Single, Gay Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


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I'm Looking For

  • Gay
  • Ages 20-30
  • For friendship, long term, dating

My Story

'm not a regular Joe. Most things people love I couldn't care less about. I prefer spending my money on an experience rather than an object. I'm a frequent movie watcher and a constant music listener. I don't care about astrology and it frankly annoys me when somebody asks what my sign is. I laugh at really dumb things and I think its sad that people don't. I want to find someone who lets me do all these things. I want someone who is fascinated by me and with whom I am fascinated by. I want to meet someone I can fall in love with.

Profile Details

Sexual Position
Ask Me
Body Type
5'10" (178cm)
Eye Color

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