• NicholasM72

  • 37, Single, Gay Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Last Active: Over 1 month ago


I'm Looking For

  • Gay, Bisexual, Bicurious, A Couple
  • Ages 20-36
  • For friendship, long term, dating

My Story

Hello, My name is Nick. I'm a kind and caring guy who is looking for someone who has similar interests and is kind and caring as well. I have recently came to the conclusion that I am gay so I am pretty nervous but at the same time excited to find that right person for me.

I currently work at a hotel and casino and I love it but am looking to move on at some point possibly going back to school.

I love traveling and just going on a drive and looking at the scenery. I love theme parks and zoos/aquariums. My dream is to go to San Diego sometime.

I listen to almost any type of music but really enjoy the hard rock music i.e. Sirius Octane station on Sirius Radio.

If you want to know a little more about me just ask.

Ideal Match

My ideal match would be someone who makes me laugh and is very caring. I would like to have similar interests but also someone who would introduce me to new things. I would like them to be a good listener and give me advice when needed. I would like someone who would make me feel special. I don't know what else to say. If you like what you read, just starting talking to me and see where things go!!

Profile Details

Sexual Position
Body Type
Big and Tall
Hair Color
6'5" (196cm)
Eye Color
Not Political
Not Religious

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