WarningsofWrath.com Gets Queer Eye Makeover!

WarningsofWrath.com Hacked!

Another act in celebrating equality. It’s not easy being gay, we know this, you’ve most likely read about all the terrible things that groups are doing to innocent gays all over the world. These things are terrible but it’s always refreshing to see the LGBT community fight back- especially when they do it in a harmless, unique and refreshing way and lucky for us that’s exactly what they have done.

Have you heard of the anti-gay, religious group that goes by the name Warnings of Wrath? (WarnigsofWrath.com) It is run by pastor Randy Bryson of the Open Door (not closet doors apparently) Baptist Church in Easley, South Carolina. This homophobic groups leaves their mark by wielding signs at college events that include LGBT youth.

Warnings of Wrath - Original

They let gays know that they should fear almighty God and would basically like to tell anyone gay that they will burn in a fiery hell. It might be time for them to stop standing on the outskirts of college events and instead sign up to take a computer course at the college if they’re really serious about rallying against gays. This past year Pastor Randy Bryson slipped up and forgot to renew his hate group’s domain name for their website resulting in an act of superior activism.

The “Big Payback”

As of right now, Bryson’s WarningsofWarth.com website redirects to a gay porn site called ScaryFuckers.com. It’s absolutely genius isn’t it? Don’t believe us? Head on over to the website and look for yourself. It’s 100% NSFW as you can imagine.

Warnings of Wrath - New and Improved

The image here is a small taste (the only one we could give). So in all fairness the website was not exactly hacked. The new owner(s) have simply re-purposed the name and legally its all on the up-and-up.  This is why you should keep an eye on domain renewal notices. If Bryson had been careful he could have avoided this “Queer Eye Makeover” on his terrible, hateful website. We consider the change a drastic improvement.

Karma is an amazing thing.


Now we’re just wondering if the Warnings of Wrath group figured it out yet or if it’s going completely viral without their knowledge. We are crossing our fingers that this shuts down their close minded plan rather than feed the fire. The internet has a way of getting back without anybody getting hurt and that is exactly what makes this all so wonderful and comical in the best way.
