Human Rights Day – December 10th – was created by the United Nations in 1950. Prior to this, they created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 which states that, “All human beings are born free and equal in … Continue reading
Human Rights Day – December 10th – was created by the United Nations in 1950. Prior to this, they created the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 which states that, “All human beings are born free and equal in … Continue reading
Are you ready for the latest version of your favorite gay dating site AllMale? It’s here and it’s better than ever before. We took your suggestions and concerns and improved on everything from the technical aspects like website speed and … Continue reading
Once again the LGBT community can stand up and warmly welcome another leader into our community. Baseball player, David Denson, a first basemen for the Milwaukee Brewers’ rookie affiliate in Helena, Montana just announced that he is gay. This is … Continue reading
Chris Hyndman of CBC’s Steven and Chris show found dead Hyndman, originally from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, grew up in Paradise, Newfoundland. He worked in the makeup department of the Hudson’s Bay Company before becoming a makeup artist for CityTV. Christopher “Chris” … Continue reading
It’s sad to say that being gay still isn’t accepted wholeheartedly in the world. There are more places moving towards equality and bettering the lives of everyone but in some it is probably worst that you can possibly know. ISIS … Continue reading