Have you heard the news? Finally a conservative state senator has stepped up to the plate and said that he believes that gay people are born gay and that being gay is not a choice. Who is this senator? Marco … Continue reading
Have you heard the news? Finally a conservative state senator has stepped up to the plate and said that he believes that gay people are born gay and that being gay is not a choice. Who is this senator? Marco … Continue reading
In this article we are going to dive into the dirty details of online dating for gay men. By now you have probably heard all the stereotypes pertaining to this topic. You know about the rumored dick pics and the … Continue reading
It’s sad to say that being gay still isn’t accepted wholeheartedly in the world. There are more places moving towards equality and bettering the lives of everyone but in some it is probably worst that you can possibly know. ISIS … Continue reading
The gay community is notoriously known for fashion in a very presumptuous sort of way. It’s the iconic gay best friend sort of deal and although a lot of gay men are interested in other things there are some who … Continue reading