A long time ago, in a high school far FAR away… Your intrepid writer Jim struggled with his sexuality. I don’t really think a 14 year old even understands what “sexual orientation” really is, but at the time, it was … Continue reading
A long time ago, in a high school far FAR away… Your intrepid writer Jim struggled with his sexuality. I don’t really think a 14 year old even understands what “sexual orientation” really is, but at the time, it was … Continue reading
Let’s be honest… Anyone who has just come out of the closet is dealing operating from a heightened emotional space. Life as they knew it, for themselves and those of significance in their life, just got dumped into the proverbial … Continue reading
Gay Dating Tips You probably have read many do’s and don’ts about gay dating tips. Here a some very simple rules to live by. Keeping everything simple is the way to go. You want to get to know the person … Continue reading
By now we all understand that there are misconceptions about gay people and yet folks keep on feeding into the stereotypes. So today I am going to once again clear up misconceptions that people have about the gay community because there is … Continue reading
Sometimes dating online can be so confusing that you’re ready to give up! Using dating apps can be an adventure, but I’m here to tell you that it does work so long as you can navigate the sea of strange terminology you’re … Continue reading
Class is back in session and now we’re giving you gay slang 201 congratulation on graduating gay slang 101 but if you haven’t you can always go back or take refresher course before tackling this next set of gay slang. … Continue reading
In this article we are going to dive into the dirty details of online dating for gay men. By now you have probably heard all the stereotypes pertaining to this topic. You know about the rumored dick pics and the … Continue reading
It might not be right to say that there are things straight people can learn from gay relationships because we are all aiming for equality here but if we’re being real, gay relationships can often be more functional on average. It … Continue reading
It’s sad to say but being gay comes with some baggage. This baggage is awkward dates. It’s not to say that straight people can’t have awkward dates but it’s always a little different for gay people some who have to … Continue reading