Everyone makes mistakes but if we become aware of what we are doing we can create better habit and become a partner. Change doesn’t happen overnight but by taking small steps over time. I know I have made some of these mistakes in past relationships, some even causing the relationship to end.
Becoming too clingy.
No one likes a stage five clinger. Remember that for the relationship to grow and become healthy, you need to spend time apart. Too much of something is not a good thing!!! Imagine eating only eating Reese’s Pieces this for an entire week? You would get so sick of it!
Not doing what you said you were going to do.
For example: If you make plans with someone make sure you show on time. This shows them respect. If you are constantly breaking plans or showing up late it shows lack of respect. Build your character by doing personal development. Take ten minutes a day and work towards a better you, and leave the house a few minutes earlier to make your meetings on time!
Getting Comfortable
Once you get to a point in your relationship where the two of you are comfortable it is great! You feel like you can confide in them, relax, have fun and be yourself. But what if you get to that point in the relationship and your realize he isn’t the guy for you? I was in a relationship where we were together for two years and then he started to change. I realized he wasn’t right for me and instead of moving on I stayed for two more years. The biggest mistake I ever made. Don’t stay in a relationship that is comfortable, but isn’t right for you because there is an amazing guy that is out there that is right for you.
Living Separate Lives
I see this all too often in the gay community. One of my closest friends has been in a serious relationship with his boyfriend for over three years now but they won’t move in together. They are absolutely amazing together! If you can’t move in together how are you going to make your relationship work long term? Take the leap – you learn so much more about one another and your love will grow!
If you love your partner you will create a relationship that best suits the two of you. Successful relationships grow from spending time together, showing your affection and appreciation for one another. Just remember to always be true to who you are! #lovewins