Christopher Paul “Chris” Colfer is known for his role on the television series Glee, an American musical comedy-drama television series. Glee first aired on May 19th, 2009 and it’s final episode will air on March 20, 2015. He plays the part of Kurt … Continue reading
Category Archives: ManCrush
#ManCrushMonday ~ Russell Tovey Russell Georgy Tovey was born in Billericay, Essex, England on November 14th, 1981 to parents Carole Haynes and George Tovey. He began as a child actorwhen he was 11 years old in 1994. He started off joining a local drama … Continue reading
#ManCrushMonday ~ Joe McElderry He first started in 2007 when he auditioned for The X Factor and made it through bootcamp, then later left when he felt he was too young compared to the other contestants. In 2009 a young Joseph McElderry walked … Continue reading
Steve Cook has always been an inspiration to me! Since I have been following him on social media I have learned to love his fun loving, happy, quirky personality! He goes after what he wants in life and doesn’t make … Continue reading
I know Cheyenne David Jackson is officially off of the market as of this past September when he married his fiancé Jason Landau. But we still have a huge crush on this hunk at!!! Just look at that smile! The two started … Continue reading
Our first Man Crush Monday is country music singer Frederick Dierks Bentley. He was born born November 20, 1975 in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. He signs country and Bluegrass and plays guitar. Bentley worked at The Nashville Network, now Spike TV, researching … Continue reading