Jim Walker, a former news anchor who worked for a variety of local Fox, NBC and CBS stations has been on a different career path as of late. The former TV news personality gave it all up and now wears … Continue reading
Jim Walker, a former news anchor who worked for a variety of local Fox, NBC and CBS stations has been on a different career path as of late. The former TV news personality gave it all up and now wears … Continue reading
On October 21st, “King Cobra” is set to be released and has already generated controversy and interest. The film already premiered at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival and now the rest of us can enjoy it. “King Cobra” is a drama … Continue reading
When we think about the common questions straight men usually ask gay men many of us either spiral into a PTSD session or roll our eyes. Usually the best case scenario involves a question that’s part adorable, part ignorant and … Continue reading
Sometimes we like to have a little fun and poke fun at ourselves. We found a hilarious video from the folks at BuzzFeedYellow and wanted to share. Prepare for “Weird Things Gay Couples Do: Public Vs. Private”! It’s a fun … Continue reading
This is my coming out story. For some of you that have already come out you know that it can be a scary and often overwhelming thing to do. Your nerves go haywire, you wonder how your life and inner circle will … Continue reading
In the LGBT community, we’re often pushed to self-identify our sexual role in terms of what people most understand or are most comfortable with. For decades, terms like “top” and “bottom” have been used to simplify gay sexuality and answer questions … Continue reading
Last week (June 2nd to June 8th), the Magical Kingdom got a bit more Magical with Gay Days at Disney World! Each and every year, Gay and Lesbian Disney lovers from around the world descend upon Disney World in Orlando … Continue reading
This week in world changing revelations and news we have your newest heartwarming story that will absolutely turn you into fuzzy, bawling, loving Jello. This story is really a huge step and in my opinion should be featured on every … Continue reading
It might not be right to say that there are things straight people can learn from gay relationships because we are all aiming for equality here but if we’re being real, gay relationships can often be more functional on average. It … Continue reading
The gay community is notoriously known for fashion in a very presumptuous sort of way. It’s the iconic gay best friend sort of deal and although a lot of gay men are interested in other things there are some who … Continue reading